Caskets from graveyard float through the streets in Louisiana after devastating flood — FactFlyers | The News Hub

The shocking photos in this post shows the devastation following floods in Louisiana. Caskets were washed up from a graveyard floated down the street in Denham Springs. President Barack Obama has been forced to declared Louisiana a state of disaster on Sunday after the historic flood left at least five people dead, with emergency crews…

via Caskets from graveyard float through the streets in Louisiana after devastating flood — FactFlyers | The News Hub

L’AURA PLEIADIAN: “Merging the Consciousness of Matter with Your Higher Self” — Dreaming With Dolphins

“We are stepping into the DIMENSION that merges all awareness. Where our God Self becomes the New Human. Where the old passes away and the NEW becomes new. Even though it was always present.” ~L’Aura Pleiadian 5th Dimensional Consciousness, matter, the subconscious and memory. Our Data bank of memory is held in the inner computer […]

via L’AURA PLEIADIAN: “Merging the Consciousness of Matter with Your Higher Self” — Dreaming With Dolphins