The History of Medicine, Part 1

According to Sir William Osler, Imhotep was the real Father of Medicine, about 4,000 years ago, writes TRACY LATZ MD.

The first figure of a physician to stand out clearly from the mists of antiquity, Imhotep diagnosed and treated over 200 diseases: 15 diseases of the abdomen, 29 of the eyes, 11 of the bladder, 10 of the rectum, and 18 of the skin, hair, nails and tongue. Imhotep treated gout, tuberculosis, appendicitis, gallstones, and arthritis.

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The state of harmlessness can be reached when we purify our physical, emotional and mental vehicles and enter into awareness of intuition. Purification of the personality vehicles means:

1. To develop them to their perfection as mechanisms.
2. To integrate them so that they work well not only individually, but also in-group formation.
3. To pay their karmic debts.
4. To tune them in with the Inner Lord.

These four steps must be carried forward to a relatively high stage before conscious harmlessness is achieved. Let us take the first one:

1. The physical, emotional and mental bodies must be cultivated, developed and unfolded, so that each with its own centres become a sensitive instrument for reception, assimilation and expression of energies. It is necessary because any defect in this individual instrument can distort and misuse energies or impressions coming from various sources and unconsciously cause harm to others and to the divine Plan.

2. These three vehicles namely the physical, emotional and mental bodies – must also be integrated with each other to such a degree that they do not distort each other’s functions, speed or activity. For example, if one wheel in a watch is trying to turn 200 revolutions per minute and another one is resisting or jumping, you have chaos and inaccuracy. So the mechanisms rendering service other than that of their individual sphere must be aligned to such a degree that the group purpose is fulfilled, and the needs of the individual vehicles are met. Harm can be caused even if these vehicles individually are in good condition but do not have good integration with each other.

3. To pay their karmic debts. In esoteric literature we read that each vehicle is the body of an entity. For example, we have a physical entity, an emotional entity and a mental entity. They each have their karma, resulting from their individual actions and also from their misuse by the man. Purification means clearing their karma by consciously handling in such a way that they do not produce any more negative karma, but only positive karma. Increasing positive karma and not increasing negative karma eventually clears karma. Then you have a fine instrument, which can be used in the hands of the evolving human soul to further the Plan on earth.

4. To be attuned to the Inner Lord. Unless these bodies (physical, emotional and mental) are connected with the powerhouse of the Inner Lord, they generally have a tendency to follow the path of least resistance, or the involutionary path to separatism, to degeneration, to materialism and associated crimes. Actually, an integrated personality is more dangerous and has a greater possibility of being harmful than a non-integrated personality. When the personality is united the man is in crises because the personality is tempted to reject the will of the Inner Lord and proclaim its independence. Such a man is divided within himself. This is the most harmful state of a man, when the personality forcibly works for its own ends, without consulting the Inner Guide. Very destructive criminals were in this stage when they committed their crimes.

Harmlessness makes us:

1. Strive, dare and feel the divine Plan, to bring out the Beauty, Goodness and Truth which is inherent in us.

2. Not impede or block the evolutionary processes of other life forms.

3. Help and reach the souls of living forms, and call them to the service of the Plan.

These are the hardest lessons that man is going to learn on the path of his evolution: how to live a life which will not cause harm to any living forms and at the same time strive to fulfil the Plan, to fulfil the divine will, despite the resistance that can be created because of our speed in service and evolution. This is the situation that must be resolved by the striving one. A man can be harmful: through his thoughts: through his emotions: through his words: through his actions.

1. One can be harmful if the thoughts are motivated by selfishness, separatism, and charged by the will to impose, dominate and block. Thought inspired by hatred, by greed, by anger usually create a degenerative effect on the substance of the aura. Decomposition of the aura is a fact, and a decomposed aura carries many germs and eventually leads the man into Physical, mental and moral failures.

When a person thinks, he creates thought forms, and if these thought forms are not charged by Beauty, Goodness and Truth, they hurt people and increase the originator’s karma. That is why man must be so careful not to hurt, mislead and pollute people with his base thoughts.

2. Our feelings and emotions are harmless if they are charged with joy, love, kindness, respect and appreciation. All negative emotions are harmful because they create depression, separatism, anger, fear or apathy. Harmful emotions are like arrows, which penetrate into the spheres of other persons and produce poison there or paralyse the emotional mechanisms of others. Harmful emotions generally carry with them a destructive mental force or thought form. Harmful emotions mixed with harmful thoughts accumulate within rooms, or attach themselves to the object used by the subject. Every harmful thought and emotion, by the law of frequency, accumulates in the space and contributes to the harmful strata over the planet. It is from such accumulation that criminals receive their inspirations. It is also true that these strata prevent many benevolent rays coming from the space or breaking their voltage considerably.
Harmless provides opportunity to come in contact with creative forces in nature.

3. Harmful words or speech create cleavages and foster separatism, destruction and confusion. Harmful speech creates negative polarization and personality reactions. Harmful speech burns the etheric body and the etheric webs around the pineal gland, the pituitary body and the carotid gland. Harmful speech is the greatest enemy to the creative thread. When harmful speech is ensouled by evil thoughts and negative emotions, the person is in grave danger of burning his protective net around his body and allowing dark forces to obsess or possess him.

4. Harmful actions are usually accompanied by harmful thoughts, negative emotions and dishonest speech. Harmful actions are efforts to violate the freedom and rights of other people, to deprive them of the joys of life, to prevent people from reaching greater levels of unfoldment and success, to use others for one’s own needs. Harmful actions done to others are like seeds of weeds planted in our own garden. Days or years later each seed will sprout and bring us multiplied effects of our harmful deeds. Harmlessness is the compass of those who are preparing themselves to enter into greater light. On the vast ocean of life only the compass of harmlessness will lead us to our destination. Harmlessness puts your life in line with the law of love, and none of your expressions create any friction with the law of love. Every time we create karma by acting against love, we develop fear. Thus a life of love annihilates fear. Harmlessness is love in action. Harmlessness evokes spiritual response in others, and the laws of nature support you. Harmlessness is a state of consciousness in which you do not plan or think about violating the expression of life, or hindering its unfoldment and progress toward Goodness, Beauty and Truth in any form.

Harmlessness, Psyche and Psychism, Purification, personality, karmic debts, Torkom Saraydarian, Intuition, Intuitive, Articles, UK, South Africa, Cape Town,

Address by Minister Nathi Mthethwa at the South African Music Awards (SAMA22) in Durban — Department Of Arts And Culture

04/06/2016 Good evening ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests and nominees at the 22nd SAMA Awards, The South African Music Awards are a celebration of excellence, creativity, innovation and development. While the Awards do reward individual talent, they are also a celebration of the strength and robustness of the South African music industry as a whole, […]

via Address by Minister Nathi Mthethwa at the South African Music Awards (SAMA22) in Durban — Department Of Arts And Culture

Minister Nathi Mthethwa congratulates the Youth involved with the film “Hear Me Move” — Department Of Arts And Culture

Minister Mthethwa expressed his gratitude to the Coal Stove Pictures production team for the success of their production dance film, “Hear Me Move,” at the prestigious Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAA). The dance film which has been screened at both Cannes and London Film Festivals has also been nominated in 5 different categories at this […]

via Minister Nathi Mthethwa congratulates the Youth involved with the film “Hear Me Move” — Department Of Arts And Culture

The Soul That Existed in Ancient Afrikan, Time

I am the soul that existed before to be reborn again in this life time:

“Above all else my healing path was design before I was even born. As knee high lass of three my world was already like a make believe movie. During the most important years for any child my tot years was thrown asunder, you could say I was thrust into an adult role, before even being ripe. It sounds farfetched yet it’s the truth, there’s no iota of misrepresenting of facts. My life is the gift from the past, thus it continue the legacy of Gods and Goddesses of Africa.

Given the fact that I was rejected by both my parents, I had no option but, to gaze at the galaxy to find the meaning of life. At a point when I was put up for adoption with my brother. Life became extremely tough. I needed an ally because my guardians although I thank them for raising me up, literally gave me hell of a time.

There was only one source of salvation where I could find solace, and Almighty Creations were all ears. As such all my questions were answered by the magic world of ecological unit. The fact that I was communicating with natural environment made me to attract the snare of both my peers and adults. The plenty snide remarks, I was called all sorts of unsavoury names. From an evil one to a witch, then, everything in my mind was clouded like the atmosphere I was talking to.

My eccentricity compromised me a great deal; I ended up enduring untold abuse at the hands of people who took advantage of my situation. The natural world then became my immediate family. Unfortunately there was little I could do, to change the status quo, my solution lied in having to take care of myself at an earlier age,” remarked Gonondo

“In later years the language of all of natures’ beautiful creations such as plants, streams, clouds and skies including animals gave me an insight that baffles my family and friends. At school they thought I was this weird lonely child who could tell what was going to happen, said Gonondo..
Gonondo had visitation of visions giving warning or forecasting the future, this also irked her minder who felt uncomfortable by her intuitive talent. There were of course innumerable moments when there were voices whispering to Gonondo informing her about people’s state of being. As if that was not enough the road she traversed had various road signs. The more she travelled the road, the more information flowed from all coordinates as if sprouting from the mirage.

These experiences of being on the road leading to a unknown yet known destination made her feel as though she had travelled on the route she never ventured into before. Today the skills she honed as a child of interacting with Mother Nature place her in the league of her own. This is why she one of the most sought after professional.

Through bones she is able to tell a client about the genealogy of the family, and also zoom in the future of those consulting with her. Obviously bones could also trace the root cause of whatever hinders someone’s progress in life. It has been a long journey though from the days of gazing at the stars and developing an intimate relationship with plants only to use them to heal an array of ailments.
“To day by the grace of God of Africa and my ancestors I have the whole universe in my hand; I diagnose using my hands to connect with the energy of my clients. I use my music and words a gift inherited from my ancestors and pass from one generation to the next to soothe broken souls.

Children and the marginalised are very close and dear to my heart. To reach out to them I have opened my house to accommodate those dejected by their next of kin. I try to give them unconditional love for spiritual redemption, by administering African Indigenous Spirituality Therapy”

If earth, plants, streams, animals and the galaxy where given to humanity, my role in this life is to use my god given talents to get an approach to resolving the puzzle of pain, deficiency, despair, diseases and difficult circumstances for nation and world. Quipped Gonondo”
Narrated by, Zanele Mashinini and Gugulethu Mbele-Khama..

Gonondo Sheila Mbele-Khama +27837440965

Sunday Morning Medicine — Nursing Clio

A weekly check-up of gender, medicine, and history in the news Roots and the 1970s. The disorientation of illness. A history of dissecting the living. Nigerian history in comic books. The ugly history of cosmetic surgery. The unsettling art of death photography. The real mad tea parties of the Victorians. The 1930s health campaign against STDs.…

via Sunday Morning Medicine — Nursing Clio